just a few beers after this picture was taken magic happened. i found myself doin a burny on the dancefloor and ridin thru the bar until some dick jumps in my way, the throttle was hit and kaboom in the wall, after i wrecked my choppa my new bestest buddies turned against me, kick me out and same dick comes around the back of the bar with a hanky on his gangsta face. i had just started my bike as i seen the oaf comin, i jump off and he tries to impress his friends in the window by ruffing me up hehe. i manage to jump on the bike still running pheww he grabs me on the back off the neck, i threw it in first popped the biggest wheelie i had ever done (almost topped over) i get the wheel back on the ground blast off hit second run stop sign the end...this is stuff movies are writen on..